A set of 37 light frames of M1 along with 20 dark, 20 flat, 20 flat dark, and 20 bias frames from a SBIG ST-10 and AstroDon 5nm H-alpha filter were collected using a 203mm TMB APO at F7. Flat and flat dark frames were 1 second exposures. The flat frames were taken during the day using a uniform gray or blue part of the sky.

The goal is to automatically process the set of images and create a single image ready to enhance.

Detailed processing instructions of the stacked image can be found at CCD Image Enhancement - M1 H-alpha

Step 1

Standard Process tab for monochrome CCD light frame processing.

Step 2

Standard monochrome CCD light frame processing parameter selection without bloom removal.

Step 3

Auto image set completed with 31 of the 37 light frames since star shape grading eliminated 6. Press the Display Combination button to display the final stacked image created from the best 31 light frames.

Step 4

Auto image set process summary.

Step 5

The 31 aligned images are used as input to Blink Files.

Step 6

The > button is used to apply digital development as the images are displayed

Step 7

Stack of 31 calibrated, normalized, and aligned H-alpha images of M1. The final image is often very dark since no automatic brightness increase is applied before display. Detailed processing instructions of the stacked image can be found at CCD Image Enhancement - M1 H-alpha

Step 8

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